*I think I've finally figured out how to style this cut and it's finally finished growing out, looking much better than three months ago.
In 1996, the first time I ever modified my lifestyle on purpose, I lost 35 pounds in 4 months, more or less keeping it off for a year and a half. I have been known to refer self-deprecatingly to that time as my "weight-loss-as-a-full-time-hobby period," meaning, of course, how worth it could it be when I had to spend every waking moment thinking about it?
Well, here I am 9 weeks into my health makeover with not a single week passing without measurable progress, not a single day of backtracking or bingeing (which I can't say about the first time). And I've come to realize I can't be successful at this without it being a full-time hobby or "project." I'm not OCD about it--I don't count calories, I don't do workouts more than 4 times a week, and no particular food is completely off-limits--but I do constantly think about things like how I can get more walking or fiber in, or how many weeks until I can comfortably wear my 2002 jeans.
It is so worth it, though. I feel like I've knocked 5 years off how old I feel (no longer feeling "middle-aged"). Caffeine is no longer necessary to jump-start me in the morning. My feet hurt a lot less, most days not at all. And I already look noticeably different, and can wear all of my 2003 clothes, having lost almost 3 years' worth of weight gain!
My new workout DVDs finally came about 10 days ago, and I've done all 6 FitPrimes once each already. They are the best workouts ever, and perfect for what I need at this stage of my life. I'm still walking 5 days a week, too.
I've set myself an ambitious but realistic goal--to get back to a size 12 (38-30-40) and 140 lbs, which is healthy for me. At the rate I'm going, I should get there by spring!
I'm about 30% there. Progress so far:
Weight: -13.0 lbs
Bust: -2.0 inches
Waist: -2.75 inches
Hips: -2.25 inches
Thighs: -2.0 inches
I have found your blog to be intellectually stimulating. Feel free to stick a link in my guestbook (www.jaeford.com).
Wow, your blog got commented by a bot!
Kudos on your healthy habits, sis!
You know, I had my suspicions about that comment being from a bot. #1: Comment was posted 2 minutes after my post. And of course, #2: "Intellectually stimulating"? Whatever entry "he" was reading, this one is hardly intellectual. I guess some blog spam ("blam"?) gets through even with word verification.
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