About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


A Great, New (and Possibly Addictive) Tool

Here's a brilliant answer to the eternal question, "How can I (easily) be notified of updates on my favorite sites, at one convenient location?" Some of us (like Eric) post new entries on our blogs almost daily, while others of us (like yours truly) post maybe twice a week, maybe twice a month, maybe three days in a row.

I've discovered an amazing tool called Bloglines, where you can "subscribe" to any website that has regular updates, including blogs, for free, via the cutting-edge technology you may have vaguely heard of called "RSS Feeds." You know, the one that Newsweek magazine says only 10% of internet users know how to use. I am now one of the elite, and the Bloglines site has made it really easy.

I now subscribe to blogs by Darcy, Dad, Eric, and Rusty. So cool!

1 comment:

Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Oooh!! You are even more of a techie gadget girl than I am!! Wow! I'm duly impressed...I will be checking it out soon! There are many websites that I want to frequent, including yours; I do have the advantage of wanting to know what's going on in your life, so I check your blog often anyway...but getting a notification that it's been updated might be really neat!! Thank you!! :)

XO Love you and can't wait to talk to you tomorrow! XOXO Darcinia