About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Random Coincidence

I have morning off this week, and as usual, instead of doing something productive, I have been catching up on all my favorite web haunts I randomly came across this article about people who crash weddings. Imagine my surprise when, getting down to the last part of the article, "Todd" (in picture above) turns out to be Angus MacLane. Now he's an animator at Pixar, but once he was the 3-year-old down the street who was the first kid I ever babysat when I was 13. I babysat him and his little sister for the next five years. It's moments like this when the world just seems really small.


Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Cue those irritating little dancing robots a la Disneyland -

"It's a Small World Aaaaaaaaa, Fter All...It's a Small World Aaaaaaaaa, Fter All..."

BANG!!! {sounds of gunshot blowing off a dozen wooden heads}


Anonymous said...

I also took my turns babysitting Angus & Chelsea. Years later, I ran into him in the audience of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Clinton St. Theater in Portland (the midnight show, naturally). It had been at least a dozen years since I'd seen him, but he recognized me. My strongest impression: gosh, he was tall!