About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Same Hobby, Different Focus

Remember how I said I need a new hobby now, now that I'm done with the weight loss project?* Well, I've really come to enjoy exercise, how it makes me feel, and how much more it enables my body to do, so I've been taking my fitness to the next level since reaching my weight loss goal on March 20.

That week I upped my heaviest dumbells to 15 lbs (up from 12 lbs) for my 12 WHFN workout DVDs, making me pretty sore all over again for the first 2 weeks. I also started to challenge my stability and balance by doing all the stick-assisted segments without the stick and standing on one leg for upper-body dumbell work. These workouts are still great after 6 months and are still moderately challenging, but I figured it was time to mix in some new, harder ones to shake things up a bit.

After much research, I ordered four new DVDs from Tracie Long Training that have an emphasis on functional fitness and core strength. They just came this week. I've done two so far, and they are butt-kickers! Quite a bit more challenging and I'm sore in all kinds of weird places. (Only medium-sore, not run-over-by-a-truck sore, but then I'm working light because I don't know the choreography yet.)

Paul pulled out his library of yoga tapes for me to try on off days, as there isn't as much stretching (which I desperately need) on these new workouts. My flexibility is approaching average, but everything on the back of my body is still super tight so there's lots of room for improvement.

I still walk to work at Case every day, but Case will be over on May 1. I know I won't be so likely to do it without the motivation of saving gas, getting from Point A to Point B, etc. so my plan is to walk to my job at the Cleveland School of Dance (7.6 mile round trip) twice a week. I walked 7.5 miles one day last week when I was getting maintenance done on my car--it was energizing and didn't make me sore or tired at all.

So here's my plan:

Monday: 7.6 mile walk
Tuesday: DVD workout
Wednesday: 7.6 mile walk
Thursday: Yoga or Pilates DVD workout
Friday: DVD workout ( hard one)
Saturday: rest
Sunday: DVD workout+ short yoga tape

*By the way, maintenance rocks! While still watching my portions most of the time, I am enjoying eating more, including candy, and not having to be so anal. I take my measurements once a week and am happy to report that all have either stayed the same or gone down slightly.

1 comment:

Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

So what yoga tapes did Paul bring home? That's awesome! Believe me, yoga isn't always calorie-burning or aerobic (the restorative poses and stretches I tend toward are usually more about joint alignment, joint flexibility and muscle relaxation - to say nothing of the incredible mental and spiritual benefits it gives me) but MAN it sure can be! Tamara's session that she treated me to when I was visiting NE Ohio back in March had me sweating to beat the band!!

So have you been to the doctor recently? How has your recent weight loss affected your cholesterol and blood pressure? I'm very curious! ;)

XO Love,