About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


New Arrival: Galion

Proud mama Karin Tooley is pleased to announce
the birth of her newest composition
started onThursday, May 18, 2005
finished on Wednesday, May 24, 2005
8.5 minutes long

This is the longest piece I've ever composed. Michael didn't finish setting the choreography until last Friday. We thought it was going to be 4 minutes, maybe 5, but turned out to be twice as long! Not wanting to have a symphony's worth of material, I managed to develop just one main motif throughout the piece. At first it seemed lame and overly repetitive, but I'm very pleased at how it came out. I hardly wrote anything down--who has time?!--and have already memorized it.

It is now on endless loop in the soundtrack of my mind. Every time I hear or play it for the rest of my life, it will remind me of this week. It's nice to know I've still got it. I can compose, even though I never do it unless for a performance and a deadline.

*This is Michael's title for the choreography. Curious, I googled it and came up with nothing except a small town in Ohio. I asked him how he came up with the title, and he said he saw the signs for the town when driving recently. The piece is a sort of fairy tale and the title sounds a little otherworldly.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! When do we get a video/sound clip?

Karinderella said...

I know, you guys. I have absolutely nothing to record with, not even a tape recorder, except my PDA's voice memo recorder. I can't save the file from that as anything other than an audio post-it note in Outlook, so can't upload it.

Someday I'll get a digital recorder, but until then, at least I have a way to help myself not forget it.