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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


X-treme Flushing: The Great Toilet Upgrade

Wow. We were actually serious about upgrading all of our toilets after this lovely episode last month, and are now the proud owners of 3 brand spanking-new pressure-assisted toilets. These things are the piranhas of the toilet world. You'd better make sure all arms and legs are inside the cabin and the lid is down before flushing or somebody could get hurt.

I would much rather have a mighty fanfare announce my business for 4 seconds than deal with the sluggish, finicky crap toilets we had before. Is it normal to have to plunge every other day or am I just really hard on conventional toilets?

These things could probably handle 5 or 6 golf balls and have so far effortlessly whisked away even my most challenging offerings without leaving so much as a calling card.

Did I mention I'm thrilled?

1 comment:

Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Hell, don't ask me about toilets. I've always thought that they were pretty strange. Some of the ones I've dealt with swallow up a turd the size of Montana with no problem, yet a tiny little tampon turns them into a sewage geyser. What's THAT about?!

Anyway, congratulations on your new toilets! You're really looking out for NUMBER ONE!! It doesn't take a WHIZ to see that you really needed new potties! That's great! :) Happy crapping! ;) ha ha!!
XOXO Darcy ;)