About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Toilet tsunami

After a wonderfully fun day rehearsing the Reinecke trio, attending the Indians game, and going out to dinner at The Diner on Clifton, there was a clogging incident. I was running the dishwasher at the time. (This is important later, I promise.)

Tom went upstairs to get our Jet Plunger, used it to pump a ferocious blast of air down the toilet--
--and the toilet started vomiting up copious amounts of water all over the bathroom floor! Poor Tom yelled a request for towels. They hardly made a dent, as the water was now at least an inch deep. I brought up rolls of paper towels and the wastebasket. He turned off the valve for the tank and plunged again, and it overflowed even more.

Oh, by the way, Paul had stopped by work to check a machine, so it was just clueless me at home. What do I know about this stuff? So I called the plumber who offers emergency service day or night, who said they would put out the call and someone would call back soon.

Our poor guests! My first reaction was to tell them I clog up the toilet all the time (that's why we got the Jet Plunger in the first place, the regular one sometimes couldn't make a dent in my disasters!) and it so easily could have been me that this happened to, if they hadn't happened to be visiting this weekend. I wasn't even freaking out, and felt the urge to lighten the mood with jokes. Shit happens!

When Paul got home, he immediately knew something was wrong, because water was dripping out of the light fixture all over the garage. Unfortunately, most of our shoes were directly in the line of fire, so we moved them as quickly as possible. When he came in and took in the situation, he immediately realized the running dishwasher was contributing to the overflow, so we immediately stopped it.

Well, our wonderful plumber just came and snaked it out at about 12:15 am. This whole situation was just striking me funny--it was like a bad movie comedy. (Later I had a hard time falling asleep because I kept getting giggle fits for 45 minutes.) I said our toilet has an eating disorder--bulimia. And Irritable Bowl Syndrome. I tell you, I was really on a roll. Paul and I suggested it was worth the investment to purchase and install 3 new power-assisted toilets next month. "All three?" I had to ask.

"Well, you do use the one in the bedroom," he says. :-D


Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

AUGH! You poor thing! :( You know what? I think it might have something to do with toilet paper...we use stupid Scott tissue - the most cheap but also the most thin - and it never clogs, but once I got Charmin Ultra or some fancy dancy king and it was clogging all the time!

Oh well..that might not be the problem, just my $.02. ;)


Karinderella said...

I appreciate your trying to help, Sweetie, but I really think some of us just have the Toilet Clogging Poop gene. :-D Paul has NEVER done this to a toilet in his life, I do it on a regular basis, but only with these crappy (no pun intended) low-flow toilets.

I hate low-flow. I understand they're supposed to save water, but how much water can it save if it takes 3-6 flushes to get it down?!

Paul is really serious about upgrading all 3 of our toilets to pressure-assisted models. Yesterday he insisted on Googling several models, resulting in pages of technical info I don't understand. I was kind of sick of looking at toilets after the trauma of the other night, so I asked him if we could do this some other time, citing Toilet Fatigue.

Anonymous said...

Try this: before commencing, gently lay two squares of toilet tissue on the surface of the water. Subsequent passengers will enjoy a magic carpet ride clean through the trap.