About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


A Deluge of Work

When I was under-employed all summer, sometimes I felt bored. Now I feel pressured. Sometimes I'm not so sure which is worse.

Here's my weekend.

Sat, 11 am. Cindi's wedding out in Boondockland, Lake County. Running there from a 9 am class at Gladisa's, dragging 75-pound behemoth keyboard and lots of songbooks. Dressed up, probably in the rain. Have I practiced anything for this? No. But I already know a lot of the music I'm going to play, and I'm a good faker.

Sun, 9:30 am. UU Choir practice. This is one of the few things this weekend that's not stressing me out. It's just that it means no sleeping in.

Sun, 11 am. Play for church service. Since the topic is Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth Revisited , Paul really wants to come. We've decided to play our version of Wagner's Liebestod, from Tristan and Isolde, that I learned for Darcy's wedding. When else would be a more appropriate time to play it?! Tristan is only one of the great myths Campbell explores in depth. We'll be playing two other short pieces, we already know as well. Yes, I do already know the music, but I still have to practice and then we have to go over them together.

Sun, 12:45 pm. Gospel Choir rehearsal. I'm supposed to have learned 2 new songs from a CD, including writing down the vocal notes since Andrew is bad with pitch. I've only done 1/3 of one of them. Well, if I'm behind for this one, no one will be mad. I meant to do it earlier in the week but I got sick with a bad cold for days and didn't feel up to it.

Sun, 4:00 pm. Windsong rehearsal. No, I haven't even looked at the music. I can probably get away with this one, too--I've certainly done it before.

I tallied up all the hours I'm actually working at my 6 (count 'em!) gigs, and its 35.5 hours a week. Doesn't sound like much, does it? Boy, am I glad it's not more. Could be worse, I guess. I could have a sugar hangover on top of everything else.

1 comment:

Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Darling! As a recovering freelancer, I feel your pain. The only thing that got me through weeks like you're describing was repeating "Me musician. Work good." many times, drinking obscene amounts of caffeine, and listening to hundreds of loud dance/trance/club CD's that kept my blood pumping with their pulse. Honestly, sometimes I'd get so exhausted from driving (I averaged 12 hours a week during orch. season) that I'd get home and I was so pie-eyed from prying my eyes open on the freeway that I couldn't close them!! Insane.

Anyway, so dearheart, my advice to you is this: live in daytight compartments. Do not think of the entire weekend at once. You will go insane. All you have to worry about is what you have to do within the next few hours. (Of course, be aware of what you have coming up so you can prepare for it, but you don't have to worry about it.)

Sometimes, a day is too much. Keep shortening the time frame you focus on until it feels manageable. Approach it with Zen mentality, and you'll be fine! ;)

XO Love you!