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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


My Diet is Finally Ready to Become a Grownup

I always used to think that by age 40, I would have outgrown my candy habit, that I would be like other, more "normal" adults who say things like, "Oh, I think the peanut butter in Reese's Peanut Butter Cups is just too sweet." It didn't happen. I spent a lot of my copious free time over the summer (as well as the past several years) chowing down on my favorite candy while playing on the internet.

Well, I'm finally getting tired of the sugar hangovers and tired of feeling unfocused and lethargic even with buttloads of caffeine. I haven't had any candy since last Thursday (it's my 5th day), eating a bowl of non-health-foody cereal (Kix or Rice Chex) as a substitute. I'm actually less hungry and feel a lot more alert and even-keeled! My addiction must be totally psychological because I don't feel any withdrawal symptoms.

This doesn't mean I've become a candy teetotaler (let's be real here!). Nor does it mean I avoid dessert--I've had treats like sorbet, homemade banana bread or a can of (non-diet) coke, once or twice a day. I am never going to be a health food puritan/fundamentalist or Woman on a Diet--you know, the type who "feels guilty" after eating a Sinful Food. Screw that! Life's too short.

I'm going to embrace the philosophy of moderation. So far it hasn't been hard. Today when I picked up some things at Target, I window-shopped the 3(!) aisles of Halloween candy, decided none of it was really worth it, and left without buying any. This is big for me--I haven't passed the Halloween candy department empty-handed for at least 10 years.

1 comment:

Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Hey babe! Congrats on your new approach to adult eating! Ha ha! Seriously, I can't believe how cosmically aligned you and I are and continue to become. Just last week I decided that I'm tired of being fat, and that unlike some people who apparently know exactly how many calories to take in on a daily basis, I needed help! I thought about doing Weight Watchers again but the thought of going to those humiliating meetings and public weigh-ins made me cringe (to say nothing of the cost - each meeting is like $15, and the online only program is $50 a month to start!!).

Anyway, so I'm doing www.ediets.com. It's less than $12 a month, which is a HELL of a lot less expensive than WW, and much more private and on MY terms, dammit! This is what I've been needing all along! The thing I love is their Nutrition Tracker, where you can enter what you eat and see not only caloric values for it but calcium, protein, fiber, cholesterol, and at least 30 other nutrients and minerals too!

Today I weighed in and I lost 3 pounds - a drop in the bucket for me, since I need to lose a big chunk of weight, but I'm so relieved that I have found something that can work for me in the long term. It's like a different kind of blogging! And I haven't even begun to explore the other benefits of the site. I'll keep you posted!

Anyway, doll, I am so happy for you and we'll talk soon. I have much to tell about coming back to work - we started again this past Tuesday! It's actually just fine!! When's a good time to call you? I'm off on Monday AND Tuesday, so let me know the best time to call.

Man, I think this is the longest blog response I've ever written! Congrats! ;)

XOXO Love you,