About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Report From the Front

I am having the best time here in San Diego. I've been up since 5:15 (after being awake for 21 hours in a row from yesterday's 6:30 am flight here) and just now the tiredness is starting to hit me. Not only am I playing for Windsong, but I played for Columbus Women's Chorus and I'll be playing (and singing) for the mass chorus concert on Sunday. I have done nothing but exercise, eat, sing, play, and listen to concerts all day.

Here's something cool: Windsong has set up a blog for our experiences during this conference, where all of us can contribute. Some have even transmitted audio posts from their cell phones. Check it out! I'm off to post over there.


P.S. I'm beat--but in a good way.

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