About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Weekend With the Bokuniewiczes

We had a great, full, busy, fun couple of days with our out-of-town friends this past weekend. Since I was at Darcy's, Paul did all the house cleaning and grocery shopping (for which I was extremely appreciative!)

We started Saturday with a rehearsal of the Reinecke trio at the church (to be played the next day). Although I had hardly practiced, I retained most of last year's hard work on it and then some. We all had a much more relaxed attitude about it and we sounded even better than last year.

Around noon, Matt Green (another of Paul's college friends) came over. He was able to score us some corporate tickets for the Indians game. We were in the second row along the third base line! We would have never gotten these seats if the Indians had been playing at all well, Paul likes to say. It was a glorious day, much like our similar afternoon last year, 71 degrees and sunny. We were in the sun this time, slathered in SPF 45, and it was just perfect.

It was only the fifth time I've seen a baseball game live, and I'm happy to report that my streak of having the home team win whenever I go to a game remains unbroken. Halfway through, we moved back a few rows where we could all sit together. Here's our group, left to right: Matt Green, Tom, the 3 sons Jeff, Matt, and Tyler, Marina, and Paul.
On Sunday Marina, Paul and I were the featured musicians at church, playing the Reinecke trio.
Paul, me, Marina after the service.
It was also the last day for our interim minister, Terry Kime. She was with us for a year and I'll miss her. Here she is with Kathy, our outgoing board president, and Rob, our incoming one. Dana and Linda made the stained glass chalice gift.

Photo op time, Paul and I with the Bokuniewicz family:
And here's one I took with Matt Green, who came to the service to hear us play:
We went out for lunch at Tommy's in Coventry, a short walk down the street, where Joy joined us.

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