About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Too Much of a Perfectionist?

I've just had a hellishly busy week. Since last Monday morning, I have put in the following homework and study time:
  • 4 hours studying for accounting exam
  • 8 hours over 3 days on accounting homework (having to do it in Excel, as opposed to pencil and paper, takes considerably longer)
  • 3.5 hours watching 2 out of the 3 movies I need to use as sources for this week's English essay
  • 2 hours reading and studying the reference essays for last week's essay
  • 2 hours mulling over last week's essay assignment, figuring out what to say, and looking up more citation sources online
  • 5 hours writing last week's essay
  • 1.5 hours reading everyone else's essays and essay responses on the online message board
  • 2.5 hours composing my own (required) essay responses
Let's see, that adds up to...
28.5 hours spent on schoolwork alone, not counting 3 hours commuting time and 4 hours class time for attending my accounting class. Holy crap. Put it all together, and that's more time than I spent on my paid work.

I like getting A's. (Not surprisingly, I'm getting A's so far in both classes.) I did have time to have somewhat of a life for 3 of the last 7 nights, although it was a challenge which involved staying up until at least 1 :30 am much of the time. At the rate I'm going, it will probably take me at least 3 1/2 more years, including summers, to finish the degree. Is this kind of a life worth it for such a long time?

Yesterday at church, my friend Joy said I was too much of a perfectionist. She had learned for herself, after hard experience, that it was better to just pass the classes so you could have a life. No prospective employer, she says, will care what your grades were. B's are good enough. But I haven't reached the point of being willing to settle just yet. I'm not trying to juggle this with motherhood, as she did. (I can't imagine motherhood being any easier than my life right now.) This is hard but not impossible. Paul is really supportive, even though it means we have less time together in the short term.

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