About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Dancin' Feet

I've started taking a beginning modern dance class on Saturday afternoons. It's a lot of fun being on the dance floor instead of playing for the class, for once. I'm good at picking up and remembering sequences, but it's physically challenging for me, especially flexibility-wise. Pretty soon we're going to be starting up our ballroom dancing again. I've been waiting all these months for my foot to heal up enough, since ballroom shoes have no support whatsoever.

I'm amazed the foot feels as decent as it does. Well, as long as I don't stop moving. Otherwise, I'm like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz.

Thanks to all this lovely hardware in my foot, I have a slight bulge on the outer edge of it. I never noticed too much until my first day in sandals last week. Now, these sandals are Clarks and have always passed the Three-Mile Blister Test* with ease, but thanks to The Bump, I got a blister right where the straps intersect. It wasn't bad (it's gone already), but if I want to walk to work this summer, I'm going to have to put on a prophylactic band-aid first.

*My policy for shoes: If I can't walk 3 miles in a pair of shoes without getting a blister, I won't buy them.

1 comment:

Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Not sure you'd ever need to walk 3 miles in dress shoes, but if you want dress shoes that look gorgeous as WELL as ones that have lots of shock-absorbing support and heel padding, check this out!


I bought three pairs of Cloudwalkers at Avenue last week and I completely forgot I was wearing dress shoes.

And I completely hear you on the "comfort trumps vanity" mantra. I look at those stupid pointie-toed Wicked Witch of the West torture devices masquerading as designer heels, and wonder, "WHOSE feet are shaped like that?!"

Keep on dancin', you groove thang you! ;) XO Darcynthia