About Me

My photo
I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


I'm finally starting this

I am such a flake when it comes to responding to email. It must be the perfectionist in me that makes it take an hour to write a personal email that takes maybe 90 seconds to read. If only I could just spit it out without overthinking so much.

My brother just started a blog this week and sent me the link, inspiring me to start my own. I haven't kept any sort of journal since I was 23 (for you mathematicians, that's 17 years ago). I found that journal during the Great Purge of 2002 (first move in a decade), and reading it was very educational. I remember at the time thinking I had grown up and matured so much. Let's just say, from my present vantage point of age 40, I was still very much an adolescent.


Tools said...

I'm unfamiliar with the world of "Blogs". Are all comments on the record for the world to see, or is this forum also a substitute for e-mail.

I saw that your brother is also blogging but I couldn't get onto his site.

Love the format and the information and will keep up to date this way from now on.

Keep it up!


Karinderella said...

A blog is indeed up there for all the world to see, as well as all comments. Try Eric's again--once when I went there, the site was down for maintenance. He's added more photos!