About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Sound Files Coming Soon!

Several of you have asked, "So when are we going to get to hear a sound clip?" in response to my Galion post.

You have inspired me to finally take the plunge (and get off my frugal butt) and order my first recording technology since my high school cassette recorder. Sometime before the end of this week, I will have a new digital recorder and stereo microphone!

I've been waiting all this time for recorders to get better and cheaper. Most of the ones out there are for electronic instruments that you plug directly into the recorder, and only recently have there been choices that are convenient and less expensive for accoustic instruments. This one finally comes with software that makes it relatively easy for even a non-geek like me to upload it to the computer (not the case 2-3 years ago).

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