About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Coming up for air...

It is such a joy to be posting from home again. We got our new motherboard installed on Monday, but did I celebrate by immediately posting here? Heck no. I was too busy catching up on all of my daily email newsletters from the New York Times and salon.com, two of my favorite sources for news. Also, the hilarious Pink is the New Blog, my favorite mental junk food.

When not on the computer, I've been practicing the Trio for piano, oboe & horn in A minor, Op 188 by Carl Reinecke (hear samples here). A couple who knew Paul from Oberlin days, Tom Bokuniewicz and Marina Jaffe, are coming to stay with us next weekend, along with their 3 college-aged boys, while on their national baseball tour vacation. Marina was an oboe major at Oberlin. She doesn't play that much now but is really looking forward to us getting to play some chamber music. This was Paul's idea. The piece isn't that hard, but certainly isn't simple and has required some practicing. We even have a performance opportunity--we'll be playing it for July 24's service at the UU Society of Cleveland.


Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Yay! It sounds like you're doing well...I love salon.com too; I was reading from it about the new Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. :( I'm very scared, since so many of the civil, human, and reproductive rights we have in legislation today were decided by a 5:4 Supreme Court decision. This guy could totally upheave all of that. I am extremely worried that affirmative action, the Voting Rights Act, the separation of church and state, the availability of contraception, and women's reproductive rights are all going to become severely restricted (and that's the best case scenario).

Oh well. I'm glad you're enjoying being back online! ;) I should check out that site; it does sound hilarious (with one l, even!!) ;)

Love you tons,

Karinderella said...

You know what I read today on Salon? The potential nominees were asked by GWB about their workout habits! And one was rejected partly because Bush thought he didn't cross-train enough. Yeah, sounds like a real deal-breaker for me. (Insert eye-roll here.)

BTW, 'doh! I never knew "hilarious" has only one l! I've been spelling it wrong my whole life. Learned something new today. :-)

Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Oh man...speaking of White House workout habits, you HAVE to check out Bush Aerobics at http://www.miniclip.com/bushaerobics.htm and of course the classic Dancing Bush at http://www.miniclip.com/dancingbush.htm - good therapy for us blue Blue voters! :)

And if you want to see Bush and Kerry dancing to hip hop, you must go to http://www.miniclip.com/hiphopdebate.htm

Dance the night away! ;)