About Me

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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Hello from the library

Our online access is still out. Since three days over the past week were not business days, the new motherboard for our computer won't be delivered until tomorrow (Friday). The Best Buy repair guys are already booked tomorrow (of course) so if we're lucky, the earliest the computer can be fixed will be Monday. At least they called today to tell me. I was beginning to wonder if the trouble ticket paperwork actually went through.

So here I am at the library, where I have exactly 60 minutes per day I am allowed to log on. It's amazing how much more efficient I've been, doing only the essentials (checking and answering email, checking blogs of family and friends), with maybe 15 minutes left to read a few articles. It makes me realize how much of my time usually gets sucked up by frivolous internet surfing.

I've had time to clean up my office (a tri-annual ritual) in anticipation of a visit in 2 weeks by two of Paul's out-of-town Oberlin friends plus their 3 college-aged sons. It's funny how I'm somehow motivated to clean up for company but not very much if it's just us benefitting from it.

1 comment:

Brünhilde Wunderfrau said...

Hey sweetie! I'm so sorry that you're *still* having 'puter probs - that blows! I know you'll put another post up as soon as your back up online!

Hang in there...think of how wonderful it's going to be once your hardware is all better! Wow! :)

XOXO Darcinderella