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I'm a pianist, happily married. Socially progressive, chocolate lover, interested in the nature of reality, alternates between being a slacker and being a grind.


Is Karl Rove gay?

We've been cleaning up the house like mad for our guests this weekend. It looks beautiful. Just think, if we cared enough, it could look like this more than once a year! They were supposed to be here about now, but Marina just called from Toledo, where they got stuck having a blown-out tire repaired. I told them not to worry, we usually go to bed around 12:30-1:00 am and don't have to work tomorrow, so they can come as late as they want.

The other night, Paul and I were speculating on Karl Rove's personal life, or rather, complete lack of one. Most of Bush's crowd feels it's de rigeur to get married and have kids, and apparently, he's done neither. Paul thinks maybe he's gay and in the closet. A hypocrisy expose is always entertaining, so we googled "Karl Rove gay," hoping to hit paydirt.

738,00 hits! Most of them, disappointingly, only linked Rove and the phrase "anti-gay agenda" or somesuch. I did, however, find some interesting out-there lefty blog entries here, here and here. Maddeningly, everything is still just speculation. It's actually not surprising that the spinmeister would have such control over information leaked about himself. I found a couple of sites that said he'd been married twice and had a son, but others saying he'd never married. Well, if he had married and really had a son, what I want to know is, how come this is never once mentioned in any bio? I find that very strange.

I did find a little gem in my surfing that just made me laugh, it was so "pink" and silly. I emailed the link to Trent (of Pink is the New Blog), and he included it in the news section of yesterday's entry! In his words: Who knew that GWB had a blog of his own. :-D

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